Edge updates: Moscow and Istanbul upgrades, new PoP in Yekaterinburg & decommissioning of Skanderborg

PUSHR's edge points of presence in Moscow and Istanbul have been switched to new data centres with better connectivity and lower latency. Moscow, which was temporarily disabled due to the situation in the region has now been re-enabled as part of our CDN's standard network tier. Istanbul's reachability has been improved dramatically with this update and we've now confirmed that this edge location is accessible from all internet services providers in Turkey.

In addition to re-established connectivity from the Moscow edge, we've added Yekaterinburg to our network as part of the standard pricing tier, providing higher throughput and lower latency west of Moscow. 

Due to unforeseen circumstances our team had execute a move of our edge point in Skanderborg, Denmark, to a new data centre earlier in September. Upon reviewing the traffic and latency data for this point of presence we've ultimately decided to halt the provisioning in the new data centre for the time being. Visitors from Denmark are currently rerouted to our edge location in Stockholm, Sweden, which provides nearly the same low latency with the same high throughput.