CDN Features

Raw logs download now in beta

One of the best things about having a fully managed global infrastructure at your fingertips is that you don't have to deal with bandwidth, CPU, RAM and I/O issues, and everything just works. On the other hand it is harder to spot when something isn't exactly right and things like HTTP404 errors could go unnoticed. PUSHR's dashboard already shows a count of the successful and failed requests but there was no easy way to retrieve the web servers' logs.

Until now.

Download your RAW access logs from your dashboard
Download your CDN zone's RAW access logs from your dashboard


The new raw logs feature allows you to download the logs from all edge locations in your account's dashboard with a single click. For your convenience a single, combined log is created. The requests are ordered by an epoch timestamp to avoid the time differences between the PoPs around the world.

The following information is being logged:

  • IP address
  • Cache HIT/MISS/EXPIRED status
  • Epoch timestamp
  • Request country
  • Local time of the edge server that served the request
  • Request URL
  • Response code
  • Bytes sent
  • The actual time it took for the requesting party to receive the full response
  • Referrer
  • User agent string

Log generation is triggered immediately upon pressing the "Generate logs" button and the generated combined log is conveniently saved to a plain text file for compatibility with most operating systems. It's then zipped and ready to ship. The resulting archive is available for direct download or you can email the link to a third party for review.

Send RAW logs for review by other developers
Ask a developer or a friend for help by sending them your CDN zone's RAW access logs via email.

To make it easier for third parties to download and review your logs no authentication is required and as such the archives themselves are password protected in the event that someone, somewhere happens to attempt to look at them without your consent. The password becomes available as soon as the archive is ready. It is unique to your account and is changed daily.

Raw logs are a free future and as of today, they have been enabled by default for all customers.